Hawaii… Oahu & Honolulu

After a mere 6½ hours flight from Tokyo I arrived in Hawaii saturday morning… A bit surprising as I left Tokyo saturday evening…

Japan… Hiroshima

I had great expectations when I took of to see Hiroshima and the Peace park… After my stop at Himji Castle, the Shinkansen Nozomi brought…

Japan… Himeji Castle

Himeji is a small city on the line from Osaka to Hiroshima. And it is also known for the most majestic castle (Himeji Castle) in…

Japan… Kyoto

My Kyoto experience was day trips from Osaka… Kyoto is a facinating city -on the surfase, just as uninteresting as Osaka – but when you…

Japan… Osaka

As planned, I arrived in Osaka on november 15th. Osaka is the 2nd largest city in Japan with a population of 2.6 million – it is…

Japan… Tokyo

I arrived in Tokyo, Japan, early sunday morning on november 8th after a 6½ hour flight from Bangkok. What a wonderful world. I arrived very early…

Thailand… Phuket, LoyKrathong

Yesterday Thailand celebrated LoyKratong, a festival, where you send your worries to sea or heaven using a small boat or baloon made of paper or…