Forts, palaces and dekadence… Or beauty and stunning landscape…

I have spent 3 days in Jaipur. I lived in Shahpurah house, a former palace… Very nice in deed… Talk about imperialism.

Jaipur is a great city. And I did the sightseeing thing: Temples, palaces, sights, forts and so on. But I also realized, that a year this way would NOT be an option. So I were much more laid back now. Enjoyed the pool, got a ‘bespoke’ auryvedic massage. What a dissapointment. I thought I had just been unlucky in Varanasi. But no.

This massage is so bad, that I doubt they are even trained… Well. No more of this in India.


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Jaipur also have a wall. 34 km. long protecting the old city of Jaipur, and probally not easy to patrol...


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